Why DIRECT Flash?

The direct flash trend has become one of my favorites over the last year.

I’m all about infusing and experimenting with different styles and aesthetics in my photography, and I knew when I started utilizing it at styled shoots and weddings, it would become a go-to style I could play around with.

Direct flash also has a pretty cool history.

History lesson time! It started with early photographers in the 1800s using “flash powder” which was a mixture of magnesium and potassium chlorate. When the photographer was ready to capture their subject, they would ignite this powder concoction, which would, ya know, explode! But, this tiny explosion lit the subject! 💥

One of the things I love about direct flash is its nostalgic, chaotic energy - It makes the photo outtakes fun, and the portraits stylish and timeless.

This blog is for the couples that want to take 10-15 minutes and sneak away to get some rad portraits, or have their wedding dance photos lookin’ like the 90s.

So now, without further ado, here is the JZPS list that showcases my favorite direct flash styles.

(Cue Flash by Queen)

🎶 Flash! AHHH-HHA! Savior of the universe!🎶

I. Minimalist FLASH

Simple backgrounds + an accent color (usually red, blue or pink) = classy minimalist.

⚡️ pros ⚡️

-all colors pop

-instantly classic

-minimalist vibes

-perfect for portraits and detail shots



⚡️ pros ⚡️

-looks like it’s straight from a disposable.

-chaotic energy

-perfect for the dance floor

-outtakes have personality

Direct flash gives off such a fun, nostalgic aesthetic that can be perfect for anytime of your wedding day or session.

If you dig the look, I highly recommend adding it to the timeline 😎

Based in Upstate New York, Juliette specializes in weddings, lifestyle and brand photo + film for humans far and wide.

Her interest in the documentation of the human experience has lead her into becoming something of a professional third wheel/hype woman/paparazzi/for her clients.

She’ll probably cry during your ceremony, or tell you how amazing you look at your session or wedding.

When she’s not at a wedding or editing, she’s probably watching Parks and Rec, watering her plants, or hanging out with her cats.